
joi, 3 octombrie 2013

"Be the Change you Wish to See in the World!"

Lucrez impreuna cu niste colegi de ai mei de lucru la un proiect intern care presupune multa creativitate si inspiratie. E un lucru dedicat destinderii si la ultima editie o colega a scris un articol despre cum schimbarile pe care cand le facem la noi insine impacteaza in bine pe toata lumea din jurul nostru. E un articol foarte frumos asa ca am decis sa il impart cu toata lumea, cu acordul ei, bineinteles :) Sper sa va placa. Enjoy! by Ramona Vaida

We sometimes expect the world and the people around us to change. We complain and know exactly what we want to change at others. This is the easy way in which we blame others for everything that happens to us. Then we can decide to change ourselves and see if it works. Amazingly, it does…for each of us in different ways. For me it did. Why?

When we change how we think then the way we feel changes and also the actions we take. And so the world around us will change. Because we see now with new lenses of thoughts and emotions and we allow ourselves to take action in ways we would not have while stuck in our old thought patterns.

You choose our own thoughts, reactions and emotions to everything. When you realize that no-one outside yourself can control the way you feel, life becomes easier and more pleasurable.

Spending your time in negative thoughts won’t help you, so forgiving and letting go of the past will release you and permit you to focus on the present. We are all human and prone to make mistakes so holding people to unreasonable standards will only create conflicts. Everyone is just a human being no matter who they are.

To conclude with, I believe the change is always positive and help us evolve. It is up to us which way we choose.

Be persistent, be authentic, be you and over time you will get what you want.


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